Each year, student interns at the Griot Institute expand and introduce research projects that highlight unique aspects of the African Diaspora at Bucknell. This semester, I returned to the Griot …
What’s Athaliah Been Up To?
For my loyal readers, this blog should be read as a special treat. We’ve traveled hither and tither across Bucknell, even venturing to the lands of West Africa in my blogs. However, despite us …
Popular Music and Culture in the Caribbean
Welcome to my blog post! My name is Jesse Leon and I’m a First-Gen POSSE Scholar for Bucknell’s Class of 2028. Starting in September of this year, working at the Griot Institute has allowed …
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Bucknell in Ghana Project
This semester I have been working on a Ghana archive for the Griot. The project aims to have two major parts, part one is an archive for the Bucknell in Ghana Program (BIG). Bucknell runs a semester …
The Antigua Sugar Mills Project
The Antigua Sugar Mills project this semester continues the research work we did in Antigua this summer focusing on the enslaved people that work on the different plantations, including their day to …
A Material Recollection of a Collective Mental Landscape: Morrison’s Re/Memory
Toni Morrison’s concept of rememory, first introduced in her novel Beloved, captures the influence of the past, both physical and in feeling, on the present. Morrison interacts with and utilizes the …