New Faculty and Staff Lunch: A Griot Welcome Event

On August 31st, the Griot Institute held its annual new faculty and staff lunch. This lunch is designed to welcome new faculties and staff to Bucknell and the Griot Institute.

The lunch began with a warm welcome by Griot Director, Dr. Cymone Fourshey. She gave a brief overview of the institute’s history and introduced our board members and student interns. Concluding her introductions, Dr. Fourshey introduced the executive director of the Center for Access and Success at Bucknell, Chris Brown. Chris Brown is the executive director of the new center, which provides a cohesive system of support for students enrolled in Bucknell’s five national and signature pathway scholarship programs.

After introductions were made, people gathered in groups at round tables with delicious food to meet and discuss all things Griot, including upcoming events. These events include the Civil Rights Project Presentation by one of the Griot’s very own student interns, Michaiah Augustine ’23, the book group meeting for Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey, and so many more.

All of these events can be found on our website or social media pages. Check back here soon for more updates!