Soul in Motion African Dance & Drum is a team of 11 dedicated and passionate performers who have performed nationally since 1984. This group aims to share the untold experiences of West African-American culture through theatre, dance, and drumming.

Recently, on September 7th, following the vibrant opening celebration, the Griot Institute collaborated with Soul in Motion again to host a Q&A Dinner Session. As a more direct opportunity to engage with the founders of Soul in Motion, this experience enabled many to ask questions related and unrelated to the arts. Here, newer members shared their upbringings and what inspired them to join Soul in Motion. Hearing these heartfelt messages was truly inspiring, as I personally couldn’t imagine the stress of juggling multiple jobs all while maintaining your passions overnight. When asked how Terryn Nelson was introduced to Soul in Motion, Nelson said: “God, the way that they welcomed me did a number on my heart, and it felt so good… I felt like I was at home and I got a little emotional.”

Several other questions were asked pertaining to West African drumming traditions, speaking on the process of representation of the dancing and drumming. Nonetheless, all the members of Soul in Motion expressed genuine appreciation for their lineage. As a Haitian American myself, I felt moved to explore and express my culture in ways I hadn’t before.
— Jeremiah Charles