On February 19th, 2023, the Campus Theatre hosted returning organization, Meet My Melanin, and premiered a short film celebrating the movement, the courageous subjects who participated, and artist Jetta Nicoline Harrison. The film showcased the stories of the individuals who had participated in Meet My Melanin’s photo-story sessions and provided a platform for their voices to be heard and celebrated. As the lights dimmed and the film began to play, the audience was transported into a world where people of color were celebrated for their beauty, power, and resilience. Each subject shared their personal journey, from the struggles of growing up in a society that notoriously doesn’t celebrate melanated individuals, to the joy of discovering their own strength and identity in settings where they are discriminated against whether that be school, work, or in society.
The film was a powerful testament to the importance of representation, and the need for people of color to have space to own their stories and celebrate their identities. After the film, the audience was invited to a reception at the Downtown Gallery, where they had the opportunity to meet the subjects and connect with others who were passionate about the Meet My Melanin movement. There was an overwhelming sense of celebration in the room, as people of all ages and backgrounds came together to honor the power and beauty of melanated individuals including the dynamic and commanding narratives of Melodie, Nmemka, and Leah to name a few stories displayed.
– Michaiah Augustine